Aarhus University Seal


Netarkivet is the Danish national web archive.

It is run by the Royal Danish Library as part of the Danish Legal Deposit Act, and has been collecting content from the .dk domain, plus content specifically made by or for Danes ("danica") since 2005.

Due to Danish laws on personal data and data protection, access to netarkivet.dk is restricted to researchers with permission for relevant research projects.

If you need access to netarkivet.dk you will therefore need to fill out a form with a project description.

Access permissions follow the project:
If your research project involves a staff, only the project leader needs to apply for access.

An application form must be filled out and sent to one of the email addresses listed on this page, where you will also find further information about the application procedure and conditions of use (Danish language).

More information: https://www.kb.dk/en/find-materials/collections/netarkivet

Application for access: https://www.kb.dk/en/find-materials/collections/netarkivet/research-access