Aarhus University Seal



If you are looking for staff according to academic field, please take a look at:

Name Job title Unit Email Phone Mobile Building
Adolph, Jakob Kleofas PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies jaka@cc.au.dk 5347, 134
Agostinho, Daniela Assistant Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies dagostinho@cc.au.dk
Albrechtslund, Anders Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies alb@cc.au.dk +4521630388 5347, 231
Alexandersen, Birgitte Nygaard Research Assistant School of Communication and Culture - French Business Communication birna@cc.au.dk +4542920262
Alrøe, Sarah Fjelsted PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies salroee@cc.au.dk +4587150218 5347, 040
Als, Sophie Gohr PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Comparative Literature and Rhetoric soga@cc.au.dk
Andersen, Bettina Special Consultant School of Communication and Culture - Centre for University Studies in Journalism band@au.dk +4587159605 +4523382025 5335, 151
Andersen, Christian Ulrik Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies cua@cc.au.dk +4587162004 5347, 221
Andersen, Frits Professor School of Communication and Culture - Comparative Literature litfa@cc.au.dk +4587163034 1580, 321
Andersen, Jørn Erslev Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita School of Communication and Culture - Aesthetics and Culture joern.erslev@cc.au.dk +4587163085 +4540238551
Andersen, Julie Langdal Trainee School of Communication and Culture - Dramaturgy j.langdal.andersen@cc.au.dk 1580, 149
Andersen, Kate Department Secretary School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Katrinebjerg kate@cc.au.dk +4587161981 +4593517738 5347, 020
Andersen, Lau Møller Assistant Professor School of Communication and Culture - Cognitive Science lmandersen@cc.au.dk +4587169032 1485, 524
Andersen, Lise Marie Research Consultant School of Communication and Culture - CC's Management Secretariat lmand@cc.au.dk +4522117298 1580, 420
Andersen, Mona Agerholm Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Spanish Business Communication ma@cc.au.dk +4522279581 +4522279581 1481, 632
Andersen, Tore Rye Associate professor School of Communication and Culture - Comparative Literature torerye@cc.au.dk +4587163082 1580, 349
Andreasen, John Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita School of Communication and Culture - Dramaturgy draja@cc.au.dk +4587163008 1580, 250
Arboe, Torben Member of Academic Staff School of Communication and Culture - Peter Skautrup Centre for Jutlandic Dialect Research jysta@cc.au.dk +4587163164 1910, 016C
Arregui Olivera, Cecilia Research Assistant School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies ca@cc.au.dk +4587168842 +4552698891 5335, 255
Arsinevici, Tine Advisor School of Communication and Culture - CC's Management Secretariat tine.a@cc.au.dk +4587150179 +4540865727 1580, 415
Askjær-Jørgensen, Trine Research Intern School of Communication and Culture - English 201205278@post.au.dk 1481, 334
Bærentzen, Per Associate Professor Emeritus School of Communication and Culture - German per.baerentzen@cc.au.dk
Bagger, Jette Skjoldborg Department Secretary School of Communication and Culture - CC's Secretariat, Building 1481 engjbagger@cc.au.dk +4587163002 1481, 455
Baggesgaard, Mads Anders Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Comparative Literature madsbaggesgaard@cc.au.dk +4561658194 1580, 324
Baglini, Rebekah Brita Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Linguistics rbkh@cc.au.dk 1483, 323
Bak, Petra de Place PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Media and Journalism Studies peba@cc.au.dk +4561968643
Bak Herrie, Maja Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - Art History mbh@cc.au.dk +4587161317
Bakker, Peter Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Linguistics linpb@cc.au.dk +4587162146 1485, 619
Balleby, Lasse PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Comparative Literature and Rhetoric lb@cc.au.dk
Barfoed, Erik Thomas Assistant Lecturer School of Communication and Culture - The Centre for Children's Literature and Media barfoed@mac.com
Bech, Simone Naja Helleberg Administrator School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies simonebech@cc.au.dk
Bechmann, Anja Professor School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies anjabechmann@cc.au.dk +4551335138 5335, 247
Beck, Sofia Navarro PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics snb@cc.au.dk 1485-621
Bek-Pedersen, Karen Part-time Lecturer School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies karenbek@cas.au.dk
Bengesser, Cathrin Helen Assistant Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Media and Journalism Studies cbengesser@cc.au.dk +4587168843 +4593522071 5335, 263
Bennedsgaard, Agnethe Brounbjerg PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Comparative Literature and Rhetoric agb@cc.au.dk +4587169016 1586, 319
Bennett, James Andrew Visiting Professor School of Communication and Culture - Musicology a.bennett@griffith.edu.au
Bertelsen, Lars Kiel Director of Studies School of Communication and Culture - Art History lars.kiel@cc.au.dk +4587163051 +4593521846 1580, 413
Berthelsen, Ulf Dalvad Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Scandinavian Studies udb@cc.au.dk +4593508165
Birkelund, Merete Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - French rommbi@cc.au.dk +4587162617 +4526701302 1481, 662
Biskjær, Michael Mose Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies mmb@cc.au.dk +4587168846 5347, 135
Bizzoni, Yuri Postdoc School of Communication and Culture - Comparative Literature yuri.bizzoni@cc.au.dk 1580, 236
Bjerre Olesen, Sigrid PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Digital Design and Information Studies sigrid-bjerre@cc.au.dk 5347, 124
Bleses, Dorthe Professor School of Communication and Culture - Linguistics bleses@cc.au.dk +4593508354 +4593508354 2622, 10
Boas, Kirstine PhD Student School of Communication and Culture - Department of Scandinavian Studies and Experience Economy boas@cc.au.dk
Bødker, Henrik Associate Professor School of Communication and Culture - Media Studies hb@cc.au.dk +4587162002 +4528992192 5335, 233
Bøegh, Kristoffer Friis Researcher School of Communication and Culture - Peter Skautrup Centre for Jutlandic Dialect Research kfb@cc.au.dk
Boenisch, Peter M. Professor School of Communication and Culture - Dramaturgy peter.boenisch@cc.au.dk +4587163058 1580, 139
Bohn, Ocke-Schwen Professor School of Communication and Culture - English ocke.bohn@cc.au.dk +4587162642 1481, 326
Bøilerehauge, Dorrit Assistant Professor School of Communication and Culture - English Business Communication db@cc.au.dk 1481, 456