Aarhus University Seal


MA-Course: "Research Design and Method: Case Studies"

Description of qualifications

The purpose of the course is to strengthen the students’ ability to work independently with projects of their own design on the interplay between digital media and key societal processes and institutions. The course is project-driven and provides the students with skills in working across the disciplinary approaches from the Bachelor’s degree programme.

The project work strengthens the students’ ability to take responsibility for their own learning, collaborate, provide feedback and work in a problem-oriented and systematic manner to produce complex knowledge in research-like processes. The students acquire advanced knowledge about digitalisation, as theories about selected themes linked to the media’s role in digitalisation are introduced and explored in greater depth through the students’ own project work, and various methods of particular relevance to these themes and the self-defined projects are introduced.

Read more about the course in Aarhus University's list of courses


Student Projects

Fall 2022

Project: "Eurovision - Politisk udspil i en 'neutral' sangkonkurrence"

  • Iben Hermansen & Maria Victoria Sørensen

Project: "Undersøgelse af debatten vedrørende Roe V Wade på Twitter"

  • Mathilde S. H. Midtgaard, Astrid Østergaard Jungild & Amanda Lundsgaard Boddum

Project: "Danske sportsjournalister på Twitter ifm. VM i Qatar 2022"

  • Anders Emil Hjorth

Project: "VM i Qatar som mediebegivenhed og debatkatalysator"

  • Caroline Ross Pedersen, Sofie Bjerrgegaard, Amanda Dollerup Schwarz & Anne Falkenberg Johansen