Aarhus University Seal

Instruction Videos

This section is dedicated to instruction videos designed to help with practical  use and handling of data, programs, etc. that are relevant to but not a direct part of the research methodology covered in the Tools and Tutorials section.

The purpose is to demonstrate helpful elements which are supplementary and likely to become relevant is practical use cases.

Archiving a Website with A1 Website Download

This video shows how to:
- Download an entire website,
- How to get a free A1 Website Download license (AU Students and employees).

The video is based on Microsoft Excel for Mac, Version 16.68.

Find out more about A1 Website Download here.

System and commentary language in this video is Danish.

Duration: 07:11


Converting JSON to Excel in OpenRefine

This video shows how to:
- Convert entire JSON files to Excel when possible,
- Extract and convert data step by step from specified paths.

Find out more about Openrefine here.

The video is based on Windows 10.

System and commentary language in this video is English.

Duration: 07:12

Background on JSON and other approaches to converting JSON files may be found here.

Also recommended: Instruction video Data Treatment in Excel (Danish language).


Data Treatment of Digitised Newspaper Text

This video shows how to:
- Download a pdf copy af a newspaper from Mediastream at the Royal Library,
- Download a .csv file with the full OCR recognised text from LOAR at the Royal Library,
- Identify the relevant text in the downloaded file,
- Combine text from different columns in one column,
- Import the text in Voyant Tools and make a wordcloud, including using a list of stop words.

The video is based on Microsoft Excel for Mac, Version 16.68.

Find newspaper and book collections here. Find Voyant Tools here.

System and commentary language in this video is Danish.

Duration: 27:24


Data Treatment in Excel

This video shows how to:
- Import a .csv file,
- Sort the .csv content in columns,
- Reduce full URLs to primary domain only,
- Merge a number of columns into one,
- Count the number of characters,
- Arrange numeric or alphabetically.

The video is based on Microsoft Excel for Mac, Version 16.68.

System and commentary language in this video is Danish.

Duration: 15:04


Download a Video with 4K Video Downloader

This video shows how to:
- Download a video.

The video is based on Microsoft Excel for Mac, Version 16.68.

Find out more about 4K Video Downloader here.

System and commentary language in this video is Danish.

Duration: 01:39


Downloading YouTube Comments with YouTube Data Tools

This video shows how to:
- Download the comments to a video on YouTube.

The video is based on Microsoft Excel for Mac, Version 16.68.

Find more on the YouTube Data Tools service here.

System and commentary language in this video is Danish.

Duration: 05:01


Extraction of Content from The Internet Archive: Web page, Trackers, Text

This video shows how to:
- Find an archived web page in the US based Internet Archive,
- Find web adresses of the different versions of an archived web page in the Internet Archive,
- Extract information about trackers on a web page in the Internet Archive,
- Extract the text from a web page in the Internet Archive.

The two last steps are generic and can also be used for any web page outside of the Internet Archive.

The video is based on Microsoft Excel for Mac, Version 16.68.

System and commentary language in this video is Danish.

Duration: 16:19
