Fage-Butler, A., Nielsen, K. H., Ledderer, L. K., Brügger, N., Nielbo, K. L. & Tørring, M. L. (2021).
Mediatized mistrust of scientific expertise relating to MMR vaccination in Danish web archive data. Paper presented at PERITIA: Trust in Expertise in a Changing Media Landscape.
Fage-Butler, A., Nielsen, K. H., Ledderer, L. K., Brügger, N., Nielbo, K. L. & Tørring, M. L. (2021).
Mistrust of scientific expertise relating to the MMR Vaccine: Exploring the framing of a cultural phenomenon. Abstract from ECREA, Braga, Portugal.
Fage-Butler, A., Nielsen, K. H., Ledderer, L. K., Tørring, M. L. & Nielbo, K. L. (2022).
Exploring public trust and mistrust relating to the MMR vaccine in Danish newspapers using computational analysis and framing analysis. Abstract from Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022), Uppsala, Sweden.