Aarhus University Seal

Language & Communication

About the programme

Language and communication are key facets in a modern, globalized society, and their study is central for the researchers in this programme who study topics from the smallest parts of language to language and communication in different contexts, and to the relationship between language and cognition. The members’ areas of interest therefore span across the study of sound, language variation, grammar, rhetoric, interaction, language acquisition and learning, translation, and even psycho- and neurolinguistics.

The research programme provides a framework for all researchers who work with language and communication while applying various theoretical and methodological approaches. This includes sociocultural as well as cognitive studies in several different languages and linguistic modalities. The members of the programme bring skills and knowledge from the departments of Cognitive Science and Semiotics; Comparative Literature and Rhetoric; English; German and Romance Languages; Linguistics; as well as Nordic Studies and Experience Economy.

The research programme also provides constructive and transparent academic and financial frameworks for a strong working community. It supports the continued professional development of both junior and senior researchers, and provides space for an honest conversation about motivation and well-being, among other things. The programme will, inter alia: hold annual research seminars for mutual inspiration, quality assurance of the researchers’ work, etc.

Research centres and units connected to the programme

Programme directors