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Professor Peter Dalsgaard has received the Elite Research Prize for his innovative research, which shows that we need to rethink the way we understand…
Ole Sejer Iversen, professor i interaktionsdesign ved AU og Michael E. Caspersen, direktør ved It-vest og adjungeret professor ved Institut for…
In a new research and innovation project, researchers from Aarhus University, in collaboration with a number of international partners, will make…
Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond støtter nyt forskningsprojekt, der undersøger og styrker etikkens rolle i udviklingen af teknologi.
Ti nye forskningsprojekter sætter nu gang i en forskningsindsats i udsatte børn og unge. Lektor Eva Eriksson står bag et af projekterne, som er…
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All are welcome to Aesthetic Seminar.
Fictions of Climate at the Fin de Siècle
Through a review of her own art practice, Ada Ada Ada gives an introduction to the myriad of ways algorithms, data and computers try (and fail) to…
an interdisciplinary conversation on cities and their representations
Postcolonial Entanglements research unit has the pleasure to invite Associate Professor Julia Suárez-Krabbe.
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