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Aarhus University has lost an ingenious scientist and a generous friend and mentor for his colleagues and students.
The Independent Research Fund Denmark has granted millions to a new research project at Aarhus University aimed at rethinking language subjects in…
At Struer Museum, a new National Center for Sonic Cultural Heritage is set to be established in collaboration with, among others, the Center for Sound…
Christian Dindler, Associate Professor at the Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, has been appointed Distinguished Senior Innovator…
Artificial intelligence is fundamentally changing the way we communicate. Therefore, a potential new basic research center at Aarhus University,…
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Bygholm Park is located a 10 minute walk from Horsens train station. Please book your own transport, to arrive at the hotel for a 10.00 start on…
Guest lecture by Laura Bailey (University of Kent)
Beyond 30 Pesos: Memory, Resistance and Urban Space in the Chilean Estallido Social and its Aftermath
Literature Imagining Music: Mapping Western Music in a Corpus of Late Modern Fiction 1990-2010.
Co-organised by the Cultural Transformations research programme and Uses of the Past: Memory and Heritage Research Centre
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