Aarhus University Seal


The School of Communication and Culture offers sixteen degree programmes at the Bachelor’s degree level. A Bachelor’s degree programme is the first level of a Danish university education. After three years of study you can either leave the university with a Bachelor’s degree, or apply for admission to a Master’s degree programme.

Overview of Bachelor’s degree programmes

All the Bachelor’s degree programmes offered by the School of Communication and Culture are listed below. All of the programmes focus primarily on media, language or the arts. Click to access the Study Guide to read about admission requirements, course structure, student life and the job and career opportunities associated with each degree programme.

Already student?

If you are already a student at the School of Communication and Culture, you can find student guidance services, exam and teaching information about your studies at:

Already student?

If you are already a student at the School of Communication and Culture, you can find student guidance services, exam and teaching information about your studies at: