Aarhus University Seal

French Language, Literature and Culture

About French

The three focus areas of the subject are language, literature and culture. The main emphasis is placed on modern and current aspects of French language, French and Francophone literature, culture and social conditions.

In addition to the three primary focus areas, researchers work with a broad range of areas such as linguistics, translation, literature, culture, social conditions and language didactics.

Research environment       

The research concentrates on new theoretical approaches to French language, modern French literature and culture, and literary and cultural translation.

The linguistics research concentrates on semantics and enunciation, including enunciation linguistics, polyphony and ironistics. In the field of literature and culture the primary research focus is 20th century literature, including poetics, stylistics and specific authorships. Literary and cultural translation constitutes an important area at the intersection between language and literature research.

The senior and junior researchers collaborate closely. We also enjoy lively collaboration with international researchers in the field all over the world. There is close collaboration with Aarhus BSS and upper-secondary schools, and indeed with anyone interested in French in Denmark.

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