Aarhus Universitets segl

Marie Møller Staal

What is your workplace and job title?

I am a teacher of Danish as a second language at Sprogcenter Midt in Skanderborg.

What are two or three examples of daily tasks?

My daily tasks are primarily teaching classes at the language school.

I teach vocabulary, conversation in Danish, grammar and so on. I also teach AU students at Studenterhuset and a group of employees at their workplace.

Apart from teaching I also do language tests and exams. I am also the coordinator of the volunteers who come to the language school to help our students practise for instance their conversational skills in Danish. 

What are the two or three main things you got from linguistics?

I use my knowledge of the components of language every day. I use my knowledge of grammar, phonology, morphology, semantics etc. in basically every single lesson I teach. The skills and knowledge I have acquired from studying linguistics are invaluable in my job.