Aarhus Universitets segl

Julie Sohn

What is your workplace and job title?

Data Scientist at Systematic.

What are two or three examples of daily tasks?

In general: Scoping and developing ML solutions for the healthcare and defense domain


  • Business understanding
  • Data processing (collecting, cleaning, feature engineering)
  • Building and testing different ML models
  • Deployment. E.g. building APIs, containerize solution

Other tasks: mentor for student workers, onboarding new colleagues, thesis supervisor, member of the employees club (arranging social events).

What are the two or three main things you got from Cognitive Science?

  • Coding (Python), statistics, and experience with handling messy data.
  • Thesis project: Scoping and building a ML solution using healthcare data.
  • In general, all larger projects have equipped me to better scope projects at work and structure my time.