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Aarhus Universitet – IKK & IKS
Guest Lecture
The Research Unit on Language Acquisition and Didactics invites you to a guest lecture by
African languages have had a centuries-old presence on the American continent, particularly in Brazil, since Africans were forcibly brought there as…
The Research Group in Syntax & Morphology (Research Programme in Language Sciences; School of Communication & Culture; Aarhus University)
is pleased…
NB. Husk tilmelding til Inger senest tirsdag d. 10/10 kl. 14: jysis@cc.au.dk
Workshop om peer review
Torsdag d. 12. december, kl. 9.30-12.30 i…
I dette semester vil vi fokusere på at få skrevet indhold til hjemmesiden samtalegrammatik.dk, specifikt indhold til den del af grammatikken der…
Measuring language proficiency through standardized tests
Friday November 15, 2024
Building 1481, room 526 …
Guest Lecture: Aspects of cross-language interactions in multilingual speech perception and production
by associate professor Charles B. Chang
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