Aarhus University Seal

Cultural Transformations
Research units

Canadian Studies Centre (CSC)

The Canadian Studies Centre (CSC) serves as a centre for information and documentation for people in the Nordic countries who want to study in Canada or carry out Canadian studies in Aarhus.

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Coordinator: Mark Eaton 

Center for Cultural Evaluation

The center conducts analyses of the value of cultural activities, projects etc. We engage primarily in commissioned research for cultural institutions, municipalities  etc. and conduct evaluations of a broad range of activities including museum exhibitions, arts and health collaborations, dance etc.

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Coordinator: Louise Ejgod Hansen

Centre of Voice Studies

The Centre of Voice Studies serves as an interdisciplinary hub for those who work on voice(s) and is open to both academics and non-academics. With members from a wide range of disciplines (e.g. history, media studies, musicology, phonetics, sociolinguistics), we provide events aimed to expose our members to a range of disciplinary perspectives on voice(s). We aim to learn from each other and inspire each other, and we very much hope that the centre's emergent network will lead to meaningful inter-/cross-disciplinary, as well as disciplinary, collaboration on funded and non-funded projects.

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Coordinator: Míša Hejná 

Cultures and Practices of Death and Dying

This interdisciplinary research group includes researchers investigating how humans invent, engage in, develop, change and negotiate cultural practices around death and dying - both before, during and after death.

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Coordinator: Dorthe Refslund Christensen

Danish Centre for Popular Music Culture

The Danish Centre for Popular Music Culture (DANPOP) at Aarhus University facilitates interdisciplinary cooperation on popular music cultures in a broad, historical perspective. The centre also serves as a hub for cooperation at national and international levels among scholars and scholarly institutions of education working on various aspects of popular music cultures, as well as non-academic institutions such as museums and archives

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Coordinator: Morten Michelsen and Bertel Nygaard

Entangled Colonialities Collective

The research unit investigates how colonial legacies, relations and structures continue to shape our world by exploring  artistic, literary, linguistic, theatrical, pedagogical,  scholarly and activist practices that respond to states of coloniality. “Entangled Colonialities Collective” refers to the material entanglements of people, practices, ideas, capital and technologies that texture colonial pasts, presents and futures.

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Coordinators: Daniela Agostinho (Digital Design), Ushma Chauhan Jacobsen (English), and Diana González Martin (Spanish)

European Theatre Research Network (ETRN)

As an research network, ETRN brings together scholars, researchers and artists working across different European languages who have commitment to work that engages with the role that theatre plays within the specific civic fabric of European culture and society.

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Coordinator: Prof. Peter M. Boenisch

Fandom and Celebrity Culture

This research group focuses on the aesthetics and culture of fandom and celebrities from the perspectives of cross-media communication and media convergent culture. 

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Coordinator: Matthias Stephan

Filmmaking Research, Academic Film and Videographic Criticism

This research unit is concerned with filmmaking as a means of research and scholarship. The unit brings together practitioners and scholars of filmmaking research, academic film and videographic criticism who use filmmaking as a method to investigate a particular theme or phenomenon, as a medium to report or publicise research results, or as a mode of thought in itself.

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Coordinator: Alan O’Leary

Health, Media and Narrative

This research group organizes various types of research activities that investigate how media and narrative matter for (disturbed) health.    

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Coordinators: Carsten Stage, Lasse Raaby Gammelgaard 

Latin American Centre at University of Aarhus (LACUA)

The central objective of LACUA is to explore, stimulate and strengthen inspiring and mutually beneficial relationships between European and Latin American societies.

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Coordinator: Diana González Martín

Memory Studies and Uses of the Past

Will be updated.

The Centre for Irish Studies

The Centre for Irish Studies in Aarhus was founded in 2000 and aims to advance the study of Ireland in Denmark by facilitating research and teaching in the fields of Irish history, culture, literature and politics in European and international contexts.

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Coordinator: Isabelle Torrance