Aarhus University Seal

Entangled Colonialities Collective

We investigate how colonial legacies, relations and structures continue to shape our world by exploring  artistic, literary, linguistic, theatrical, pedagogical,  scholarly and activist practices that respond to states of coloniality. “Entangled Colonialities” refers to the material entanglements of people, practices, ideas, capital and technologies that texture colonial pasts, presents and futures. These entanglements forcefully connect and disconnect different parts of the world; and they silence, liberate and rearrange cultural systems, practices and expressions. They also provide novel spaces for the creation of strategic connections that work through the aftermaths of old and new forms of colonialism.

The notion of entanglements also describes our setup, objectives and work practices
•    Connecting researchers from different departments, disciplines and academic backgrounds
•    Interlinking research, teaching, practice and outreach
•    Creating networks between researchers, artists and other societal actors
•    Engaging multiple geographies of colonialism and formations of coloniality, among them, the Anglophone world including the Indian Ocean rim, Latin America, and the former Danish empire in the North and Tropical Atlantic. 
Areas of interest
•    Shifting self-images of former colonial powers and changing relationships with former colonies including political, economic and mental decolonization processes
•    Notions of indigeneity and histories of anticolonial resistance and activism
•    Practices of freedom and networks of solidarity across regions
•    Archives, contested heritage and everyday memory work
•    The cultural and political economy of languages and identities
•    Artistic practices, applied arts and emotional, social and political change
•    Decolonial pedagogy in educational institutions

•    Conversations with invited speakers involving the participation of students and social actors
•    Sessions of focused reading, pondering and discussion of participant-led themes 

The research unit is open to all interested scholars.