Aarhus University Seal

Cultural Transformations

Past events

Introductory meeting to the new research unit: Inquiries into the Political and the Aesthetic (IPA)

11 Sep
Friday 11 September 2020, at 13:00

The IPA-organizers would like to welcome researchers at all levels to an introductory meeting to the new unit

Launching gender studies at Arts, Aarhus University

1 Sep
Tuesday 1 September 2020, at 12:00

Join us for two online talks on gender, race and intersectionality when we begin this semester by launching and celebrating a new interdisciplinary…

Launch of the new CT Research Group "Paradigms of Dramaturgy"

25 Jun
Thursday 25 June 2020, at 10:00

An online discussion about ARTS, INSTITUTIONS & THE SOCIAL with our guests Dr. Gigi Argyropoulou (EIGHT critical institute for arts and politics /…