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Elvira Crois: An Affective Perspective on Participation in Performing Arts and Academia
My dissertation inquires into the aesthetics of audience…
The IPA-organizers would like to welcome researchers at all levels to an introductory meeting to the new unit
Organisers: Dorthe Refslund Christensen and Carsten Stage (norcs@cc.au.dk)
Join us for two online talks on gender, race and intersectionality when we begin this semester by launching and celebrating a new interdisciplinary…
An online discussion about ARTS, INSTITUTIONS & THE SOCIAL with our guests Dr. Gigi Argyropoulou (EIGHT critical institute for arts and politics /…
Virtual presentation by Professor Christian Borch
Contact: Sanne Eichner
Technological imaginaries in the 'extreme everyday': Consumer Hi-Tech on the Frontier
This seminar aims to will discuss multiple epistemologies, entanglements and diverse embodied perspectives as challenging Euro/Western-centric models…
Cultural Transformations summer seminar. Please register by sending an email to vkeylin@cc.au.dk before August 22.
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