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Hans Ruin. Professor of Philosophy at Södertörn University, Stockholm. He is President of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Co-editor of…
Peter Ole Pedersen. Adjunkt ved Aarhus Universitet og beskæftiger sig med populærkultur, dokumentarfilm og samtidskunst.
Nikos Papastergiadis. Director of the Research Unit in Public Cultures, based at The University of Melbourne. He is a Professor in the School of…
Caroline A. Jones. Professor of Art History at the Department of Theory, History and Criticism, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She studies…
Nina Möntmann. Professor of Art Theory and the History of Ideas at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm, curator and writer
Spyros Papapetros. Associate Professor of history and theory in the School of Architecture and a member of the executive committee of the program in…