Aarhus University Seal

SSCT PhD Summer School and other CT PhD courses


The research programme Cultural Transformations is partner in and coordinator of an annual PhD summer school series entitled "The Summer School in Cultural Transformations" (SSCT). The series is developed by academic environments from five partner institutions:

The five partner institutions will take turns to host the summer school. The summer school lasts 3-5 days and will be held during June or August.

Aim and focus

The network and summer schools focus on three academic fields: 1) Im/materiality (e.g. studies of affect and materiality), 2) digital media ecologies and 3) participation and new collectives. Each summer school can decide to focus on one of them or to investigate the relations between two or all three of them.

The network and events aim at creating stronger connections and academic interaction between sociological, aesthetic and cultural studies departments in (Northern) Europe interested in the abovementioned academic areas. The network and events are furthermore especially interested in the relationship between theoretical developments and methodological challenges.



By participating, the partner institutions are obliged to host one summer school during the first four years and to send (if necessary and possible) a guest teacher for each year’s school. The host institution will take care of the local costs related to the event (e.g. accommodation for presenters). Reasonable participant fees covering accommodation and food can be charged. Partner institutions (or individual travel accounts) will fund expenses related to their own teachers and students travelling to and from the event.

Photo at the top of the page: summer school in Aarhus, 2014 (Photo: Helle Bach Riis)