Aerofeminism in the Anthropocene
PhD student Sebastian Egholm Lund, Comparative Literature and the Environmental Media and Aesthetics research program.

PhD student Sebastian Egholm Lund (Comparative Literature and the Environmental Media and Aesthetics research program) has just published a new article “Aerofeminism in the Anthropocene: Aeronautics, Feminism, and Atmospheric Control in Mary Bradley Lane’s Mizora and Rokeya Hossain’s ‘Sultana’s Dream’”. The text focuses on the two selected narratives as it engages with female aeronautics and atmospheric control, linking thus to imaginaries of political infrastructures too. The article published is published ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment and you can read the abstract on PURE. Sebastian is currently finishing his PhD thesis on Fictions of Climate at the Fin de Siècle, related to the topic of the article too as it focuses on imaginaries of climate control at the fin de siècle (1871-1914).
Egholm Lund, Sebastian: “Aerofeminism in the Anthropocene: Aeronautics, Feminism, and Atmospheric Control in Mary Bradley Lane’s Mizora and Rokeya Hossain’s ‘Sultana’s Dream’”, ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, 05.2024.