A. S. Aurora Hoel: Human/Nonhuman Images
Aesthetic Seminar Attend the seminar at the venue or join us via zoom
Info about event
Discourses around photography have tended to emphasize the mechanical, automatic, and causal nature of the photographic process. In the same vein, considerations of technical images are usually underpinned by a series of conceptual antinomies such as agency and automation, intention and causality, decision and chance. Contemporary post-photographic discourses focusing on operational images continue this tendency, except that human agency is now often claimed to be replaced by machine intelligence. In this presentation, I outline an approach to technical images that seeks to avoid antagonistic treatment of humans and machines, including the hyperbolic claim of imminent replacement of humans by machines. While retaining the idea of machine agency, I seek to rethink the roles of automation and robotization – allowing for hybrid and layered agencies beyond the human/machine binary. What I seek to do, more precisely, is to rethink the notion of machine in such a way that it is no longer identified with automation.
The seminar is public, and we welcome everybody.
Join on zoom here: https://aarhusuniversity.zoom.us/j/62009078374