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Museums are undergoing a paradigm shift, moving from object-centric to people-centric approaches
Pernille Meyer, cand.mag., vil forsvare sin afhandling "Dufortællinger i dansk litteratur".
Co-organised by the Cultural Transformations research programme and Uses of the Past: Memory and Heritage Research Centre
Literature Imagining Music: Mapping Western Music in a Corpus of Late Modern Fiction 1990-2010.
Beyond 30 Pesos: Memory, Resistance and Urban Space in the Chilean Estallido Social and its Aftermath
Guest lecture by Laura Bailey (University of Kent)
13:15 – 14:30: Kyle Johnson “On making pronouns and reflexives compete”
14:45 – 16:00: Douglas Saddy “Quandaries – grammar and uncertainty”
Bygholm Park is located a 10 minute walk from Horsens train station. Please book your own transport, to arrive at the hotel for a 10.00 start on Monday morning. The retreat will close on Wednesday afternoon with coffee and cake for you to depart ca 16.00.
Final Registration Deadline: Friday 1 November 2024. Please note that once your booking has…
AFLYST: All are welcome to Aesthetic Seminar.
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