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Two films on elemental mediations and environmental humanities screened at Kunsthal Aarhus.
Cultural Transformations Summer Seminar 2024
A keynote talk by Celia Lury on the “Problem of the Problem: From Inventive Methods to Problem Spaces”.
A keynote talk by Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing on the Patchy Anthropocene: the feral impacts of infrastructure.
At this workshop, two successful grantees of the Monograph Fellowship – Sara Dybris McQuaid and Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen – will share their experiences with writing a successful application.
Kom og tag afsked med dine undervisere og medstuderende!
This symposium foregrounds Critical Data Practices to interrogate the ways in which data are collected, analysed, generated, archived, reused and disposed of, and to emphasize how data can be practiced through critical methods. With keynotes by Prof. Annalisa Pelizza, and Dr Nanna Thylstrup, and invited guest, this day-event will extend the…
Mandag d. 3 juni kunne kandidatuddannelserne i Dramaturgi, Kunsthistorie, Litteraturhistorie, Musikvidenskab, Retorik samt Æstetik & Kultur fejre en ny årgang af nyudklækkede kandidater.
Kandidaterne har gennem deres kandidatuddannelse truffet en række valg, der giver dem hver deres unikke profil med en særlig kombination af viden, færdigheder og…
The Evolving Nature of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting
De to AU-forskningscentre Centre for Internet Studies og Center for Health Communication afholder et symposium om Digital Sundhedskommunikation.
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