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Welcome to this Friday lecture by Dr Jesper Juul on the classic C-64 computer, drawing on his new book Too Much Fun: The Five Lives of the Commodore 64 Computer.
All are welcome to Aesthetic Seminar.
will be defending the dissertation
Jacob Grosen Dandanell, podcastredaktør og vært på Jyllands-Posten
Welcome to this Friday talk by professor Seth Giddings who will draw on his new book Toy Theory to address design, toys, and games. This Friday talk is organized by the department of Digital Design and Information Studies together with the Digital Aesthetics Research Centre (DARC).
Virksomheder og organisationer møder studerende til en snak om muligt samarbejde i forbindelse med kurset Projektorienteret forløb / feltstudium samt speciale.
Afterwards a reception outside PBA
Organized by AIIM – Centre for Aesthetics of AI Images
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