Aarhus Universitets segl

Sprog og samfund: Visibilizing Normative Regional Historical Multilingualism (ViNoRHM)

Foredrag ved Samantha Litty og Andre Hermann, begge fra Europa-Universität Flensburg.

Oplysninger om arrangementet


Onsdag 24. april 2024,  kl. 16:00 - 17:00




School of Communication and Culture

(English version below)

Forskningsenheden Sprog og samfund inviterer hermed til foredrag om et aktuelt forskningsprojekt onsdag den 24. april kl. 16:00-17:00 i 1485-218.

Samantha Litty og Andre Hermann fra Europa-Universität Flensburg præsenterer det igangværende projekt ”Visibilizing Normative Regional Historical Multilingualism (ViNoRHM)”:

The ViNoRHM-Project project combines micro-level case studies of language ideology, policy, and practice, using primary texts from official records and hitherto understudied archival data through which previously invisible or invisibilized languages and individuals (especially women and the un-/lesser educated) are brought to the forefront in an innovative account of language history of the German-Danish border region in the 19th century.

Læs mere om projektet her: https://www.uni-flensburg.de/en/project-vinorhm

Foredraget vil være på engelsk.

Alle er velkomne!

Venlig hilsen

Kristoffer Friis Bøegh

Peter Skautrup Centret

Aarhus Universitet




You are hereby invited to a talk on Wednesday, April 24th, from 16:00 to 17:00 in room 1485-218.

Samantha Litty and Andre Hermann from Europa-Universität Flensburg will present the research project “Visibilizing Normative Regional Historical Multilingualism (ViNoRHM)”:

The ViNoRHM-Project project combines micro-level case studies of language ideology, policy, and practice, using primary texts from official records and hitherto understudied archival data through which previously invisible or invisibilized languages and individuals (especially women and the un-/lesser educated) are brought to the forefront in an innovative account of language history of the German-Danish border region in the 19th century.

Read more about the project here: https://www.uni-flensburg.de/en/project-vinorhm 

Everyone is welcome!