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Research Program in Language and Communication
Ph.D. Program in Language, Linguistics and Cognition
Invitation to guest lecture
The research…
Thesis seminar: Jonathan Mastai Husum
22 October 2024
14:00 – 15:30
Venue: 1481-324
Phd-programme in Language, Linguistics, Communication and…
I dette semester vil vi fokusere på at få skrevet indhold til hjemmesiden samtalegrammatik.dk, specifikt indhold til den del af grammatikken der…
Thematic impulse by Susana Silvia Fernández, Professor in foreign language didactics, IKK, about the journey towards her funded project Danish in the…
--- The program has been updated slightly: https://tildeweb.au.dk/au572/PhD_workshop_WMT_program.pdf ---
Dear all.
Workshop on the occasion of Willi…
The research units on Intercultural semantics and pragmatics and on Language acquisition and didactics have the pleasure of inviting to a guest…
PhD talks
03 October 2024 12:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Phd-programme in Language, Linguistics, Communication and Cognition
Sofia Navarro Beck
Hej alle!
I næste uge, nærmere bestemt onsdag den 2. oktober, har min kollega Ea Lindhardt Overgaard (fra ph.d.-programmet Art, Literature and…
Forskningsenheden om sprogtilegnelse og -didaktik inviterer til webinar ved Prof. Guowen Shang (Bergen Universitet) om:
Enjoyment and Anxiety in…
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