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Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 13:15, Bastian Ljung Franch, MA, will defend his dissertation: Autopsies on the Body of Nature, The Anti-Pastoral in W. G.…
Lecture by Reidar Due, Magdalen College – Oxford University followed by Bodil-Marie Stavning Thomsen’s response.
This paper discusses the aesthetic…
Den såkaldte postkritik har åbnet for en fornyet diskussion af, hvad læsning er, og i den forbindelse stillet sig kritisk over for mistankens…
"World Literature from Mesopotamia to the Moon"
RPLS meeting and short presentations of ongoing research by members of RPLS
Sophus Helle: Thesis Seminar
"In the Middle of Life's Way: Literature and the Art of Ageing"
Comparative literature today with prof. Alexander Beecroft and prof. Ben Hutchinson
The editors will present two edited volumes to be published in October 2018 with many contributors from RPLS, namely 50 værker: Højdepunkter i…
Two researchers from RPLS will present their recent book publications. Frits Andersen: Sydhavsøen: Nydelsens geografi and Jonas Ross Kjærgård:…
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