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The focus of this course is to help participants (researchers at all levels at AU Arts) determine the appropriate type of test to use in different circumstances, and running/interpreting these tests using the R software. It will take place on two separate occasions, December 18 2017 and January 19 2018, from 9.30 to 15.30 in building 1481, room 341…
Dennis Yi Tenen, Columbia University.
Presented by the English Lecture Society
Montag, 11. Dezember 2017 16.00 Uhr. Abrundung der Diskussion um 18.15 Uhr
Botschafter Andreas Meitzner, Deutsche Botschaft Kopenhagen
ehem. Chefredakteur Siegfried Matlok, “Der Nordschleswiger”
ehem. Chefredakteur Jørn Mikkelsen, “Jyllands-Posten”
Pofessor Philipp Schröder, Institut for Økonomi AU
Two public lectures as a part of Simon Roy Christensen’s thesis seminar.
Eigi Einhamr.
Om jernalderens guldbrakteater og den åbne krop som form i norrøn visuel kultur
Presented by the Center for Sound Studies + Audiovisual Literacy and New Audiovisual Short-Forms (DFF-4089-00149). Everyone is welcome.
Afdelingsseminar for Kunsthistorie, Æstetik & Kultur og Museologi
Movements of rupture:
Effectuating, assembling and desiring anti-mafia economies
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