Gæsteforelæsning: María Luisa Carrió Pastor (Universitat Politécnica de Valencia)
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Use of corpus analysis to identify variations in the use of rhetorical devices in business communication in the genres of academic English and professional e-mails
María Luisa Carrió Pastor.
Corpus analysis is a method used to analyse and contrast the ways in which businesspeople use rhetorical devices in different genres (Hyland, 2005; Mur Dueñas 2011, Carrió-Pastor, 2015, 2016; Carrió-Pastor and Muñiz Calderón, 2012, 2013, 2015). The specific focus will be on whether writers in a business context use different rhetoric strategies in academic English and email professional communication and on the analysis of the rhetorical strategies used by business writers to engage, persuade and convince readers. The method applied to identify variations of rhetoric devices in business English will be described and examples will be provided and discussed in the workshop.