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International seminar on Artificial Intelligence, the HUMAN, and Sound organized by Aarhus University and The Royal Academy of Music
Oplæg v/ Bo Due Skovsbøll, som er udsendt af Europa-Kommissionen til Aarhus Universitet i uge 40
Lecture by professor and founding director of Georgia Tech Center for Music Technology, Gil Weinberg.
Kunstværker og billedkulturer i et digitalt humanistisk perspektiv
Aesthetic Seminar
Titel: "Det høje, det lave og alt det ind imellem. Musikkulturelle forandringer i det 20. århundrede
Lær din tandem-partners modersmål og lær din partner dit!
Lerne die Muttersprache deines Tandempartners und lehre deine eigene Muttersprache
Fredage 14-16, 1485-226
Tricia Flanagan is a practicing artist and textile designer. She holds a Ph.D. in fine art and established the Wearables Lab at Hong Kong Baptist University in 2010. Tricia currently holds the position of Co-director of the Interactive Media Lab and lead researcher in wearables at the Creative Robotics Lab of UNSW Sydney, Australia.
A seminar on the cooperation of human and artificial intelligence with Jacob Sherson
Side 63 af 123