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How might we understand affect study/theory in relation to existing and emerging contours of disciplinary practices? in regard to the innumerable boundaries and porosities that characterize concept-creation and worldmaking? in the ways that pedagogy transforms bodies of knowledge?
Titel: ”Re-Membering the Demos: On the Politics of Facts and Affects in Contemporary Performance”
12.00 Welcome
12.05-12.35 Bjorn Nansen, Senior Lecturer in Media and Communications at the University of Melbourne:
‘Death by Twitter’: Understanding False Death Announcements on Social Media. In this paper, I analyse false death announcements of public figures on Twitter and public responses to them. These false deaths are…
A talk by Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy at NYU, Dr. Francesca Ferrando
Professor Birgit Eriksson "Kultur og deltagelse"
Aarhus University, CAVI,
Centre for Advanced Visualisation and Interaction, Building 5345,
Åbogade 34, 8200 Aarhus N
Der afholdes symposium d. 11-12 juni.
Arrangementet er GRATIS og åbent for ALLE der er interesseret i komparativ syntaks, psykolingvistik og parsing.
* Jon Sprouse (University of Connecticut, USA)
* Sandra Villata (University of Connecticut, USA)
* Terje Lohndal (NTNU, Trondheim, & Tromsø University, Norway)
* Dave…
Lasse Blond, MSc, will be defending his dissertation
Professor Henrik Kaare Nielsen "Senmoderne kultur - analytiske udfordringer og perspektiver"
Det nordiske 1800-tals forskningsnetværk byder velkommen til seminar i 2019 på Lysebu, Oslo
Side 64 af 122