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From data corpus to models of machine learning algorithms, this lecture performance is an invitation to reflect upton fixed representational structures and opaque learning processes — and collectively explore different forms of bringing-into-relation of such codes.
Dan Ringgaard, professor i Nordisk litteratur (AU).
Digital Archives and Cultural Activism in a 'Post-Thruth' Age
Mette-Marie Zacher Sørensen will come present her work on the speculative figure of 'the Shy Digital Subject'
Friday, 6 December 2019, Jacco Visser, MA, will defend his dissertation "The Bangladesh War from London: A Transnational Approach to Memorializing National Beginnings"
Aesthetic Seminar
Organizers: The Department of Media and Journalism Studies, Aarhus University, Denmark in collaboration with the Department of Communication Studies, Moi University, Kenya.
Professor Mikkel Flyverbom will present his new book "The Digital Prism - Transparency and Managed Visibilities in a Datafied World" (2019) published by Cambridge University Press.
November 28-30th 2019, University of Aarhus
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