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Skandinavisk Kolonialism
Et seminar om bevægelige billeder, automatik og teknologi i senmiddelalderen.
Arrangeret af Forskningsenhed for Europæisk Middelalder (FEM) og IKK
Peter Bjerregaard, editor of the Routledge anthology, Exhibitions as Research: Experimental Methods in Museums (2020), will introduce his model for knowledge-making in exhibitions, which he dubs collapsology
Som afslutning på tredje semester af den nye masteruddannelse i kuratering, MA Curating, præsenterer studerende fra uddannelsen perspektiver på Curatorial Knowledge i forbindelse med et offentligt symposium i Kunsthal Aarhus.
For alle ansøgere til phd-programmet i ICT, MEDIA, COMMUNICATION AND JOURNALISM.
Lea Laura Michelsen will discuss her PhD project on "the art of disappearing: masks and biopolitical resistance in an age of digital biometrics"
Retail Spaces - retail design in the digital era
What is the role of the university in the anthropocene? And how should the university act in times of climate change, global political instability and new advanced technologies? It is often assumed that the university should play the role as the producer and disseminator of 1) technology that can mitigate or dismantle the risks and problems related…
Casper Bruun Jensen
Following a lecture-performance the previous day, Joana Chicau and Jonathan Reus will share their approach in a public workshop where we will actively explore terminologies and techniques for an “anatomical” critique of computational learning, classifying and prediction processes
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