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Postcolonial Entanglements Unit Seminar with Ebbe Volquardsen, Associate Professor of Cultural History Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland.
All researchers at School of Communication and Culture are invited to participate in a workshop.
Depuis Le Démon des glaces (1974) et son usage inaugural de la figure du savant fou, du « fabricant de merveilles », l’oeuvre de Jacques Tardi s’est…
with Ayumi Shimomoto (koto) and Kiku Day (Shakuhachi)
All researchers at School of Communication and Culture are invited to participate in a workshop
Project Presentation, Meet the artists and their work, come and hear more about the project ART4T
The Work of Art as Body: Analysing affective dramaturgies in theatre and beyond
Dagens Æstetiske Seminar er desværre aflyst pga sygdom, men vi vil forsøge at programsætte Cecilie Ullerup Schmidts forelæsning på et senere…
Aesthetic seminar
Cultural Transformations seminar
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