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A half day symposium on (and with) food, food studies, STS and Anthropology
with Heather Paxson prof. and interim head of Anthropology, MIT
Oplægsholder: Kim Simonsen, University of Amsterdam
"Børnelitteraturforskning for fremtiden. Aktuelle spørgsmål omkring børns litteratur og medier"
Torsdag den 17. januar åbner det nye forskningscenter NAU: Nordic Research at Aarhus University. Alle interesserede er velkomne til at deltage i åbningen og den efterfølgende reception.
In Language plus Code. The constitution of subjectivity in computational media
International seminar and workshop with local and external partners with the purpose of developing an international, interdisciplinary research project on gender issues in museum communication and collections.
Reading Slaughter: Heterotopias, Empathy, and Abattoir Fictions
Aesthetic Seminar in colaboration with LUMEN
by Prof. Fred Dervin from the University of Helsinki
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