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Situating Digital Methods
The United States and Denmark: Engagements past and present.
Lecture by Jonathan Reus, a Dutch-American musician, multi-instrumentalist and new media artist. Everyone is welcome.
Creating the Modern University, New York Style
Vigdis Hjorth published the novel "Arv og miljø" in 2016 and it provoked a lot of reactions and discussions on how closely literature should reflect reality.
Gæsteforelæsning ved AIAS-COFUND Fellow Jessica Dean Wiskus
Mittwoch am 08. November 2017
19.30 -21.00 Uhr
Preben Hornung Stuen, Studenterhuset
Nordre Ringgade 3, 8200 Aarhus N
Eingang auch Fredrik Nielsens Vej
Eintritt frei!
Prof. h.c. Dr. Rainer Moritz informiert über Buch-Neuerscheinungen in Deutschland.Folgende Bücher werden vorgestellt:Iris Wolff: So tun, als ob es regnet (Otto Müller)Zoë Beck:…
- Innovation and Organizational Change, Sustainability through Collaboration and Workforce Diversity.
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