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At this workshop, three researchers from School of Communication and Culture will share their experiences with applying for and getting external…
Trustworthiness: The Rhetorical History of Trust in the Nordics.
Postcolonial Entanglements Unit Seminar with Ebbe Volquardsen, Associate Professor of Cultural History Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland.
Everybody is welcome at the opening seminar "The state-of-the-art of Large Language Models" and the reception afterwards. Please register before 13…
All researchers at School of Communication and Culture are invited to participate in a workshop.
Depuis Le Démon des glaces (1974) et son usage inaugural de la figure du savant fou, du « fabricant de merveilles », l’oeuvre de Jacques Tardi s’est…
Dramaturgi, Musikvidenskab, Kunsthistorie, Æstetik & Kultur, Litteraturhistorie og Retorik
All researchers at School of Communication and Culture are invited to participate in a workshop
MANIFEST is an upcoming research network dedicated to exploring the manifesto as an artefact, concept, and genre in contemporary, 21st century life.
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