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Trustworthiness: The Rhetorical History of Trust in the Nordics.
Postcolonial Entanglements Unit Seminar with Ebbe Volquardsen, Associate Professor of Cultural History Ilisimatusarfik – University of Greenland.
Everybody is welcome at the opening seminar "The state-of-the-art of Large Language Models" and the reception afterwards. Please register before 13…
All researchers at School of Communication and Culture are invited to participate in a workshop.
Depuis Le Démon des glaces (1974) et son usage inaugural de la figure du savant fou, du « fabricant de merveilles », l’oeuvre de Jacques Tardi s’est…
Dramaturgi, Musikvidenskab, Kunsthistorie, Æstetik & Kultur, Litteraturhistorie og Retorik
All researchers at School of Communication and Culture are invited to participate in a workshop
MANIFEST is an upcoming research network dedicated to exploring the manifesto as an artefact, concept, and genre in contemporary, 21st century life.
"Hvordan lærer forfattere at læse?"
Gothic Slavery and its Politics of Form. Reading Jamaican Slavery and Slave Rebellion in the Early Nineteenth Century.
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