Open seminar, Forging Trusting Nordic Nations
Trustworthiness: The Rhetorical History of Trust in the Nordics.
Oplysninger om arrangementet
Konferencecenteret AU, Frederik Nielsens vej 2-4. Building 1427, Room M2
Forging Trusting Nordic Nations
Trustworthiness: The Rhetorical History of Trust in the Nordics
- Seminar at Aarhus University, Denmark - Thursday 28th September 2023
- Building 1427, room 246, M2, Konferencecenteret AU, Frederik Nielsens Vej 2-4.
- Free of charge, More information please contact Marie Lund
12.00-12.10: Welcome and introduction by Marie Lund, associate professor of rhetoric, Aarhus
University and Hanne Roer, associate professor of rhetoric, University of Copenhagen.
12.10-12.35: Anders Johansen professor emeritus, Bergen University.
Trust and distrust as conditions of communication in the liberalist doctrines of the 19th century.
12.35-13.00: Jens Kjeldsen Professor of rhetoric and media studies, Bergen University.
Feeling the right to speak, creating the ability to do it.
13.00-13.25: Gert Thinggaard Svendsen, professor of political science, Aarhus University
Forging Trusting Nordic Nations: Trade and social trust in Viking Age.
13.25-13.50: Hanne Roer, associate professor of rhetoric, University of Copenhagen
Trust as rhetorical topos in 19th century Danish political culture: Sally B. Salomon’s satirical (fake) speech
13.50-14.20: Coffee break
14.20-14.45: Sascha Stopa post.doc., School of Social and Political Science, Edinburgh University.
Theological influence on the development of 19th and early 20th century Danish trust culture.
14.45-15.20: Marie Lund, associate professor of rhetoric, Aarhus University and Sofie Kristiansen, CEO at Danske
Trust and trustworthiness: the first female rhetors in Denmark.
15.20-15.45: Rolf Hugoson, associate professor of political science, Umeå University.
Trustworthy enough: Constructing realistic notions of politics in the Nordic countries
15.45-16.10: Break
16.10-16.35: Kristian Bjørkdahl, associate professor of rhetoric, University of Oslo
Sketching a Larger “We”. Johan Castberg’s Rhetoric of Solidarity.