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Interagency in Improvised Music. A Systems Theory-based Analytical Strategy
The research project ”Unearned Wealth” is inviting for an open lecture on inheritance in literature by professor Paulina Kewes, Jesus College,…
Georgina Born, University of Oxford, Visiting Professor, Aarhus University
Gæsteforelæsning ved AIAS-COFUND Fellow Jessica Dean Wiskus
As a field of knowledge and expertise, how is Theatre, Dramaturgy and Performance Studies able to meet the challenges of the world today?
William Marx. Professor of Comparative Literature at Paris Nanterre University, and a Honorary Fellow of the Institut universitaire de France and the…
By Robert A. Rushing
for ansøgere til stipendier med tilknytning til ph.d.-programmet Kunst, Litteratur og Kulturstudier
Gæsteforelæsning ved professor Gary Peters, York St John University, GB
Predictive Coding of Musical Expertise
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