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Artificial intelligence is fundamentally changing the way we communicate. Therefore, a potential new basic research center at Aarhus University, called TEXT: Center for Contemporary Cultures of Text,…
The international research project 'Landscapes of Realism' has received the prestigious Excellence Award at the Comparative Literature Congress at Sorbonne. A handful of AU researchers have…
Researchers from DATALAB – Center for Digital Social Research have further developed a model to predict six primary emotions and their imprint on social media. The hope is that it can contribute to…
Kristin Melum Eide, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), will be giving a guest lecture in October.
A guest talk by Dr Jonathan Gray (King’s College, London) on environmental data.
Translating Europe-workshoppen 2024 vil stille skarpt på den menneskelige faktor i en AI-tid og gøre os alle klogere på, hvordan den digitale transformation har påvirket oversættelsesbranchen og den…
The second presentation in the seminar series: "What Do Critical Data Practices Look Like, and How Do We Care?"
Presenter: Sandra Becker, Utrecht University, Media and Culture Studies, Utrecht, Netherlands
This lecture presents a case study of the Swedish multinational streaming service Viaplay, which extended…
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