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Gæsteforelæsning ved AIAS-COFUND Fellow Jessica Dean Wiskus
Mittwoch am 08. November 2017
19.30 -21.00 Uhr
Preben Hornung Stuen, Studenterhuset
Nordre Ringgade 3, 8200 Aarhus N
Eingang auch Fredrik Nielsens Vej
Eintritt frei!
Prof. h.c. Dr. Rainer Moritz informiert über Buch-Neuerscheinungen in Deutschland.Folgende Bücher werden vorgestellt:Iris Wolff: So tun, als ob es regnet (Otto Müller)Zoë Beck:…
- Innovation and Organizational Change, Sustainability through Collaboration and Workforce Diversity.
On 8-11 November 2017, Aarhus University is hosting a conference on RE-Value - rethinking the value of arts and culture. The conference' main venues are Aarhus University and ARoS Aarhus Art Museum - one of Europe’s largest art museums situated in the heart of Aarhus.
DIGHUMLAB invites to a one-day conference, where we will put the digital research within the humanities and social sciences into perspective through two keynote talks. Furthermore, we will highlight some of the research activities through a number of shorter talks, posters and demonstrations of the outcome.
Organisers: Creative Ring, WearSustain , Ingrid Willems, DataScouts; Adriënne Heijnen & Marianne Ping Huang, Aarhus University.
International conference reflecting on 500 years of European history raising the questions of what the historical event of the reformation means for European societies today and what new reformations the continent requires now.
Aesthetic Seminar.
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