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Kristin Melum Eide, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), will be giving a guest lecture in October.
William Miki Thorsen, MA, will defend his dissertation "Negative polarity items in Danish and English:
Syntax, semantics, and acceptability"
At this workshop, two successful grantees of the Monograph Fellowship – Sara Dybris McQuaid and Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen – will share their…
Kom og tag afsked med dine undervisere og medstuderende!
Wie arbeitet man ein einer Marketings- und Kommunikationsagentur mit gendergerechter Sprache? Annika Richards und Lara Niemann von Allison geben…
Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 13:15, Bastian Ljung Franch, MA, will defend his dissertation: Autopsies on the Body of Nature, The Anti-Pastoral in W. G.…
Katrine Rosendal Ehlers, MA, will defend her dissertation:
Number-sensitive reflexive pronouns in Danish: Optionality, microvariation, and cyclic…
Weitere Informationen finden Sie in diesem Flyer
This is a virtual information meeting for PhD applicants for the PhD programme in ICT, Media, Communication and Journalism
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