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Beyond 30 Pesos: Memory, Resistance and Urban Space in the Chilean Estallido Social and its Aftermath
Guest lecture by Laura Bailey (University of Kent)
EUROPHRAS - The European Society of Phraseology is an international and interdisciplinary academic society of researchers working on formulaic…
13:15 – 14:30: Kyle Johnson “On making pronouns and reflexives compete”
14:45 – 16:00: Douglas Saddy “Quandaries – grammar and uncertainty”
Drømmer du om at kombinere din interesse for sprog med en karriere i EU? Så kom og hør om mulighederne!
Kasper Boye, University of Copenhagen
During this workshop, Professor Chang will outline methods and issues related to measuring language proficiency focusing on short tests such as…
Associate professor Charles B. Chang, Boston University.
Marie Herget Christensen, Københavns Universitet
Translating Europe-workshoppen 2024 vil stille skarpt på den menneskelige faktor i en AI-tid og gøre os alle klogere på, hvordan den digitale…
Kristin Melum Eide, NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), will be giving a guest lecture in October.
William Miki Thorsen, MA, will defend his dissertation "Negative polarity items in Danish and English:
Syntax, semantics, and acceptability"
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