Aarhus University Seal

Submission instructions

Submission email
Manuscripts submitted to HERMES - Journal of Language and Communication in Business should be attached to an e-mail and sent to hermes@cc.au.dk

Please also submit: author name, affiliation, address, telephone number and e-mail address.

The manuscript must include an English abstract not exceeding 250 words 


  • Manuscripts must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere in any part or form.
  • All manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word. Please use the author's surname as filename. Illustrations, tables and figures must be inserted into the manuscript in the appropriate place.
  • HERMES uses a double blind review process. Accordingly, the name of the author must not be included in the actual paper, but should be provided on a separate page.
  • Once the manuscript is reviewed by two of the journal's international reviewers, it is returned to the author in electronic format with the reviewers' recommendations (rejection, accepted with minor or major changes).
  • When the author has completed the required changes, the manuscript must be returned to the editors in electronic format with an attached report of all changes, comments, etc.
  • Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, it is imported into a desktop publishing programme by the editors and returned to the author in PDF format for a first proofreading. The author can now only make minor orthographic or grammatical changes and must not make any adjustments, changes or additions to the content of the edited manuscript.
  • The author then returns the proofed manuscript with highlighted changes to the editors who will then do the final proofreading and prepare the electronic file for printing.
  • Articles and review articles should not exceed 25 pages, i.e. approximately 60,000 characters without spaces. Reviews and short reviews should not exceed 6 and 2 pages, respectively.
  • HERMES reserves all rights to all material published by the journal. Authors may upload a PDF file of the published manuscript to their own homepage six months after publication by the journal.

Style sheet

Manuscripts must be submitted to HERMES in Microsoft Word format and must carefully observe the style guidelines of the journal. Since all manuscripts received by the editors are converted for processing in a desktop publishing programme, contributors should use only the formatting described in the style sheet.