Aarhus University Seal


PhD Student Banu Saatci recipient of the David B. Martin Best Paper Award

- News type

This years winners of the 2021 David B. Martin Award are Banu Saatçi, Kaya Akyüz, Sean Rintel, and Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose for their paper “(Re)Configuring Hybrid Meetings: Moving from User-Centered Design to Meeting-Centered Design”

Showing practice-based research project at Exhibition Research Lab

- Afd. for Digital Design og Informationsvidenskab

Supported by Aarhus University, Goldsmiths, University of London and Liverpool John Moores University, artist-researcher Winnie Soon (in collaboration with Helen Pritchard) will exhibit their artwork “Recurrent Queer Imaginaries”, exploring machine writing, machine learning and generative models within the context of artistic, feminist and critical…