Presentation: Anatomies of Intelligence
From data corpus to models of machine learning algorithms, this lecture performance is an invitation to reflect upton fixed representational structures and opaque learning processes — and collectively explore different forms of bringing-into-relation of such codes.
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Aarhus University, CAVI, Aabogade 34D, bldg. 5345, 8200 Aarhus N

Presentation/Performance: Anatomies of Intelligence
with Joana Chicau [PT/NL] and Jonathan Reuss [US/NL]
Friday 13 December 2019
14.00 – 15.30
The anatomical theatre, which paralleled the emergence of the university as the premier learning institute in Europe, has been a time-space where bodies and their organisation became spectacles of scientific knowledge. It informed and disseminated an epistemological shift, introducing classification systems and taxonomies, practices of knowledge collection, as well as a specific understanding of the body as a system reducible to its constituent[standardized] parts.
Anatomies of Intelligence is an artistic research initiative seeking to make connections between the formats and traditions of anatomical knowledge as a starting point for critical, performative investigations into the "anatomy" of computational learning and prediction processes, data corpora and machine learning models.
From data corpus to models of machine learning algorithms, this lecture performance is an invitation to reflect upton fixed representational structures and opaque learning processes — and collectively explore different forms of bringing-into-relation of such codes.
Joana Chicau [PT/NL]is a graphic designer, coder, researcher — with a background in dance. Her trans-disciplinary project interweaves web programming languages and environments with choreography. In her practice she researches the intersection of the body with the constructed, designed, programmed environment, aiming at in widening the ways in which digital sciences is presented and made accessible to the public. She has been actively participating and organizing events with performances involving multi-location collaborative coding, algorithmic improvisation, open discussions on gender equality and activism. Web:
Jonathan Reus [US/NL] is an experimental composer and artist-researcher who explores expanded forms of music-making as critical performances of technological artefacts. His practice is cross-disciplinary and research-based, involving open and iterative processes of collaboration with practitioners from across the arts, sciences and humanities. His work tries to confront and challenge the representational capacities of mathematical-logistical systems, algorithms, and media infrastructure through embodied acts of fragility, humor and grace. Web:
This performance/presentation is organised by NNCluster member Magda Tyżlik-Carver ( with Pablo Velasco ( and Winnie Soon ( with support from Humans and IT research programme (HIT), Digital Aesthetics Research Centre (DARC), Affects, Interfaces, Events Research Centre, Digital Design and Information Studies Dept, and CAVI at Aarhus University.