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An interdisciplinary conference, Aarhus University, Denmark, March 8-9 2018
Movement Code Notation is an evening of performances by artists who use computer code in many different configurations. With Joana Chicau (PT/NL), Jakob Bangsø (DK) and Andreja Andric (RS/DK).
Kom til informationsmøde med repræsentanter fra EU’s tolketjenester om karrieremulighederne i EU som tolk, oversætter eller sprogjurist.
Media wellfare state
Advancing theories and methods in media industries and production research
Followed by presentations
Om arbejdet, om tvivlen og de mange etiske overvejelser ...
This seminar will take its starting point in the large-scale sound art project The Overheard that throughout 2017 have presented a series of artistic interventions spread over large parts of Jutland - in which the public was invited to rethink the relationship between sound, music and art. (Registration required).
English students are invited to sign up for a seat in the workshop
Aesthetic Seminar
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