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Matthias Stephan defended his PhD in Comparative Literature on December 11, 2015 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Hans Ruin. Professor of Philosophy at Södertörn University, Stockholm. He is President of the Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Co-editor of Nietzsche´s Collected Works in Swedish, Member of the Board of Nietzsche Studien, Sats and Jahrbuch für Hermeneutische Philosophie
The literary field is in a state of transition. Radical developments in the media ecology throughout the last decades (not least the digital revolution) have resulted in new possibilities and challenges for authors, readers and publishers. Through centuries, literature’s status as a written and book-borne art form has been taken for granted, but…
posthuman curating and computational cultures
Associate Professor Jacob Sherson from the Department of Physics and Astronomy visits Posthuman Aesthetics for a talk on the possibilities of quantum computing in relation to the posthuman. All are welcome
Insight into digital solutions to an array of different domains.
Knowlegde about the process of thorough user research, prototyping and development of innovative design solutions.
Inspiring examples of new technology use.
Peter Ole Pedersen. Adjunkt ved Aarhus Universitet og beskæftiger sig med populærkultur, dokumentarfilm og samtidskunst.
rethinkIMPACTS 2017 wants to invite 2017-projects, researchers and other engaged in democratic participation to join this workshop
By Heikki A. Kovalainen (Tampere, Finland)
- Writing and life
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