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Ulrik Reindel er ph.d.-stipendiat i kunsthistorie ved Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet, hvor han i sin aktuelle forskning har sat sig for at undersøge det danske hofs repræsentative brug af nederlandske tapeter i perioden 1500-1700
Strategies of Storytelling and Persuasion in the 30-60 Second TV Spot
Theorizing Portals as Internet-Distributed Television
For the research programme in Literary Studies
Ane Petrea Danielsen. PhD student in Art History at Aarhus University in Denmark. Her Ph.D. project titled The Medieval Icon as Body studies the conceptualization of the religious icon as an acting bodily prosthesis for the divinity.
Authors in Aarhus præsenterer islandske Einar Már Gudmundsson og danske Allan Olsen i en samtale om ord, virkelighed og inspiration.
Gertrud Oelsner forsvarer sin afhandling. "En fælles forestillet nation. Dansk landskabsmaleri 1807-1875"
Invitation to potential PhD students
Testosterone and Storytelling
Retelling strange stories: An examination of language and socio-cognition for children with autism spectrum disorders
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