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Fem litteraturkritikere fra Norden diskuterer nordisk samtidslitteratur og -kritik. Det er Henriikka Tavi (Finland), Hadle Oftedal Andersen (Norge),…
"Siger et billede mere end 1000 ord?"
Symposium organiseret af Afdeling for Nordiske Studier.
The conference focuses on studies of online sociocultural practices related to death and dying and how it constitute, more and more, a recognized…
Fra Alan Sillitoe til Martin Heidegger
Authors in Aarhus præsenterer islandske Einar Már Gudmundsson og danske Allan Olsen i en samtale om ord, virkelighed og inspiration.
Invitation to potential PhD students
Retelling strange stories: An examination of language and socio-cognition for children with autism spectrum disorders
Fictionality and the Formation of the Novel - with a Focus on the Invention of Eighteenth Century Danish Fiction
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