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Aesthetic Seminar
Udvidet Æstetisk Seminar med oplæg ved Prof. Rebecca Schneider, Brown University, og kunstnerne Anna Lundh (SE) og Tabita Rezaire (DK/FR). Arrangeret…
- efterfulgt af reception kl. 16.15-17.30 på Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet. Alle er velkomne, tilmelding ikke nødvendig.
The research project ”Unearned Wealth” is inviting for an open lecture on inheritance in literature by professor Paulina Kewes, Jesus College,…
Research seminar.
By professor Anders Johansson from Mittuniversitetet, Sweden.
In 2018, the Faculty of Arts offers training for 45 members of faculty with projects that require competencies in computational methods. The course…
Dennis Yi Tenen, Columbia University.
Two public lectures as a part of Simon Roy Christensen’s thesis seminar.
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