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Mandag d. 3 juni kunne kandidatuddannelserne i Dramaturgi, Kunsthistorie, Litteraturhistorie, Musikvidenskab, Retorik samt Æstetik & Kultur fejre en…
The Evolving Nature of Seventeenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting
Where the Present Begins to Appear as Past: Mediating Contemporaneity in a Museum of the Future
Contesting Border Imaginaries: The Utopian Aesthetics of Contemporary Border Poetry.
(Udfordring af grænseforestillinger: Utopisk æstetik i samtidens…
The seminar is open to anyone interested – no registration needed.
All are welcome to Aesthetic Seminar
This workshop brings together exciting voices from a range of interdisciplinary fields to explore and expand our understandings of ‘science fiction’…
Organized by AIIM, Centre for Aesthetics of AI Images at Aarhus University.
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